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EZ Beautified Services

Hey Beauties! Welcome to the Ezbeautified Experience where we offer painless protective braid styles in express time where you can get serviced before work or on your one of your busiest days and still have time for yourself.


We specialize in Knotless Braids which are very protective and healthy for your hair and we get you in and out with our speed Service of 2 to 3 hours. 

We are here to meet your needs as it pertains to the health, protection & growth of your hair. We aim to make your life easier with our long lasting braid styles so you don’t ever have to worry about not looking your best.


We Give you the experience of a peaceful getaway as you get beautified.


We aim to enhance, embrace and empower your beauty from within. Can’t wait to vibe with you ! 



Our Services


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© C O P Y R I G H T  2 0 1 9 .   E Z B E A U T I F I E D   • A L L  R I G H T S  R E S E R V E D .

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